Britney Should Be Embarrassed – Again

Britney paid some chics to dress up as two dollar hookers to portray her in her new video of “Piece Of Shit Me” which was very true to life. A couple of them haven’t showered for a couple of months & have frapp stained teeth so it’ll totally going to be nominated for some bogus award. This shit would never happen if Ronnie Reagan were alive. I blame Madonna & Clinton.

She claims to be “Miss American Dream” & if this is true we need to file a class action lawsuit against the government for Breach Of Contract!

K-Fed should be compensated & given 2/3 of her assets! One third for him, one for JJ & one for SP. What? Don’t be ignorant, she made more money off the publicity from marrying him then he’ll ever get from her & he is raising the kids! The kids of corrupted spawn that had Madonna tongue in it – ewwwww!Anyway here’s poorly edited version of the video that you won’t be able to get enough of