California Should Be Embarrassed – Again


I’ve tried hard not to write about this white trash whore but I’m starting to feel sorry for California. For the fourth time she failed to show for her deposition in the custody case for her children because she was freaked out by all the paps outside her home & suffered from anxiety. She managed to make it out later & cruise around until 2 a.m. as usual though.

The only time this skank suffers from anxiety is if the paps aren’t around, which is why she spends 75% of her time driving from Starbucks to the gas station getting her picture taken & the other 25% of the time passed out drunk at The Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Four Seasons should be boycotted. It must be filled with drug dealers & hard core trannies Madonna & Britney fans because no respectable person would stay there.

It’s blatantly obvious by now that she doesn’t give a shit about her kids. They need to make a ruling & stop the circus that she is obviously dragging out & feeding on for attention. At this point why would you give her more than a couple of hours a month visitation? She wouldn’t even recognize her own children in a crowd unless they were holding a camera, a frap, or a JD & Coke.

Britney Is Still An Asshat


She is such a tool it is beyond laughable! Yesterday Britney spent quality time with her children by leaving them in the car with her court appointed monitor while she shopped for chandeliers! Yes, it’s true!  Screw Toys R Us, momma needs quality lighting!


Nicole Narain is slutty as hell so you can take what she says with a grain of salt. With that said – I believe it! She’s dishing to The News Of The World about the K-Fed & Unfitney. She quotes Kevin as saying-

“She’s lost all grasp on reality and is dragging the children through hell. Her mood swings are now so wild that I live in fear of getting a call telling me that she has killed herself.”

That’s not gonna happen! B*tch is too in love with herself to off it! She freshened up three times during her court hearings yesterday! Yes, she smells of no shower & skank weave from the last three weeks, but she wanted to take a good pic forX-17 & The Love Of God! (Dear Jesus – girl needs a Mustache wax – sort it!)

Also, new obvious revalations:

  • CAUGHT Britney breast-feeding son Jayden, one, while DRUNK on vodka.
  • FEARS her wild and erratic behavior has “damaged” Jayden and two-year-old Sean.
  • WARNED her to stop leaving the kids alone by the pool and driving them in the car without seatbelts.
  • REALISED Britney is BISEXUAL after she made a pass at Nicole in a the loo.

“I was doing my make-up and I could feel someone staring at me. It was Britney, in a green dress and looking a bit spaced-out. She looked at me in a provocative way. I found it unnerving, but I smiled to be friendly.

“She then cozied alongside me by the mirror and asked to borrow my lip-gloss.

“I agreed, put some on my finger and let her rub it on. She rolled her eyes and giggled before suggestively rubbing it over her lips. It became clear she was flirting.

“She then asked for some more and kind of leant into me and glared intensely. I thought she was hoping to get me closer to her. When I told Kevin he nodded and said, ‘Knowing her, she probably was’.

“I was shocked that she’d try to pick up someone in a toilet. I presume she’s bisexual. I threw away the lip-gloss after that, thinking how tacky her behavior was.”

Unfitney Never Fails To Deliver!


TMZ is giving us the blow by blow outside the courtroom reporting that Brit has gone to the bathroom three times, has changed her hair from up to down & her sunglasses from black to brown . They also say she is crying.

This is the best bit –

EXTRA” is reporting that when their reporter asked her how she was doing, Britney shouted, “Eat it, lick it, snort it, f*%k it!” and walked back into the courtroom crying.

She’ll show her crotch to the paps by the end of the day – trust!

Update – No ruling until Monday or Tuesday. What’s taking so long???? It’s obvious she needs a brain transplant a couple years in a mental health center before she gets any custody. And, where the hell is London? It’s probably smooshed in the toe of one of those disgusting brown boots she wears everyday & she doesn’t even know it!

Hearing Today!


Unfitney’s custody hearing is today & it’s sure to be a freak show. I can’t wait!