Aliens Don’t Carry Wallets


TC used to be a hot piece for a little person & now he’s just a little piece with a lot of money & a case of the crazy. He recently gave us this little gem to try & convince peeps that he’s normal. It backfired.

“I have no iPhone, no mobile, no email address, no watch, no jewelery, no wallet,” he explains. “I simply want to be with my children and make movies.”

Bitch is lying! He has those things just like you & I! Only difference is he has people to tend to them, like his bodyguard Katie Kate The Skate”.

He She wears his jewelry, lingerie, & heels for him! She has universal time fed to her head through her satellite ears at all times. They also serve as his iPhone, mobile, & email service! When you see him “whispering” in her ear, he’s actually getting his messages, making a phone call, & seeing what time it is – trust. As for the wallet, of course he doesn’t carry a wallet, he’s got a man purse that Kate carries for him as well! Gosh…………..