Dr. Phil Is A Douche


I don’t like Oprah, I never have. I know 90% of the world thinks she’s black Jesus but I think she’s phony & condescending. Someday people will see it the same as me – trust. This has nothing to do with this post but I thought I’d just throw it out there for the hell of it. Besides, she pushed Dr. Phil & Rachael Ray on the country & that’s reason enough to hate her forever. If I ever get a chance to meet Rachael Ray I am going to give her the recipe for a knuckle sandwich!

Anyway, Dr. Phil tried his best to whore out the Spears family for ratings to help BritBrit but he failed & won’t shut up about it. His pie hole had this to say –

What does he think is the answer to Britney’s troubles? “She needs to be in treatment, she needs to be in in-patient care for a period of time. Is she having a rough time right now? Yes she is. Why? I’m not really going to go into that at this point but I can tell you this is a good person and I truly believe she’ll get back to being a good person.” Dr. Phil’s message to Britney: “You can make this okay. Your family loves you. You may not always agree with what they say, with what they do but they’ve loved you when you weren’t lovable. Turn to the people that love you and listen. You have two children and you are the one in this world to protect them. There is no sacrifice that Lynne won’t make for you and there is no sacrifice that your father won’t make. They are the people that want nothing from you, and everything for you.”

He needs to shut it already. Her family loves her but nobody else gives a shit anymore. Some people can’t be & don’t want to be helped. If he really wants to help he should concentrate on Jamie Lynn because she kinda sorta maybe has a chance to keep her shit together.

Yeah, I take that back.